Monday, January 05, 2009

Jett Travolta's Death and Scientology - The Missing Link?

Am I the only one who finds the tragic death of John Travota’s 16-year-old son suspicious? And am I the only one who believes the media is once again not doing its job in reporting and investigating it?

First, I am not a doctor. There are no autopsy reports (yet). But initial reports that the boy died from falling and hitting his head in the bathroom after a seizure seems too suspicious to accept at face value. But even if that is the case, reports are now filtering in that the boy was not on any medication even though he seemed to suffer one big seizure every week.

The Travoltas have also said their son suffered from Kawasaki Syndrome, which he got from inhaling carpet cleaner when he was a toddler. Here’s some links to Kawasaki here and here, and in NONE of these places does it list an environmental cause like carpet cleaner. It largely affects the heart and arterial systems and does not cause seizures, although a heart attack could cause one, and that would show up in an autopsy.

But the 800 pound gorilla here that nobody is discussing is Scientology. Travolta and his family are Scientologists and largely disdain medicine, especially pharmaceutical drugs. Tom Cruise, another prominent Scientologist, is now more famous for disparaging medicine in a famous interview than his acting. How someone with only a high school could know more about medicine and biotechnology than the world’s top doctors and the entire pharmaceutical industry is a topic you can judge for yourself, but his views are largely in agreement with other Scientologists.

If it is discovered that Jett Travolta’s death could have been prevented by medication that his parents refused to give him, expect the contretemps on religion and Scientology to erupt again. And if that is indeed the case, I believe Travolta and his wife should be prosecuted.

More Info: At least The New York Post is thinking the same way I am. I don't think we're alone either...

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